Beginner invoicing will help business owners with the day to day invoicing tasks in XERO. The next step in improving your bookkeeping skills through this great software.

  • 20 November
    2 hours, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • $175.00 excl. GST
  • 27 November
    2 hours, 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • $175.00 excl. GST
    Register10 places remaining
None of these dates work for you? Suggest another date & time


We will cover the basic functions of how to enter invoices and how those invoices interact with the bank reconciliation. Attendees will get to have a go at creating invoices and dealing with the different scenarios when reconciling invoices with bank transactions.


You will come away from this session being able to:

  • Know how to set up invoice and email templates
  • Competent in how to enter a sales and purchase invoice
  • Ability to reconcile invoices with bank transactions whether full payment of part payment received
  • Deal with over-payments or prepayments of invoices
  • Know how to send invoices out of XERO
  • Ability to set up automatic reminders on overdue invoices


Laptops provided, alternatively you can bring your own if preferred.